The Board of the Dignity Seniors Society sends their love and support to the Muslim community
and survivors of the Afzaal and Salman families, after the hateful and heinous attack that took place in London, Ontario. A hate motivated attack on any minority group deeply affects all minorities in Canada. We are committed to standing together to fight hatred and ignorance and build better communities that can value diversity and inclusion. Support for any Seniors affected by this tragedy can be found through The BC Muslim Association.
The B.C. Muslim Association (BCMA) is currently the largest Sunni Muslim organization in the province representing Sunni Muslims. The BCMA own and operate several Islamic centres all across British Columbia, The BCMA operates the B.C. Muslim School (BCMS) Richmond and Surrey Muslim School encompassing a preschool as well as an elementary and secondary school. Efforts are being made for acquiring a high school. Other community services include Hajj, dawah work, dealing with media and issues affecting Muslims, marriage and counselling services, youth services and halal certification program. The BCMA and its member are dedicated in developing and maintaining religious, cultural and educational facilities for our present community and future generations.