Report: Aging and Living Well Among LGBTQIOlder Adults in Canada

What does "aging and living well" look like for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI) older adults in Canada? What could it look like? And what social changes are needed to better enable LGBTQI older adults to live and age well, on their terms? ...

The purpose of this national interview-based study was to expand and deepen our understanding of how LGBTQI older adults themselves conceptualize "wellbeing", and what is needed for our communities to live well into old age. ...

This report provides a high-level summary of the research findings and recommendations. It has three main parts. Methodology & Orientations describes the research approach and process. Findings discusses five overarching themes: Employment; Housing; Social Connection and Disconnection; Healthcare Access; and Death and End-of-Life Wellbeing. Each of these sections can be read as stand-alone sections, and we welcome you to navigate to those that interest you. In the final part, we provide summary Conclusions and Next Steps. ...

Aging and Living Well Among LGBTQI Older Adults in Canada: Findings from a National Study [Egale Canada, August 2023]


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