Join our partners at ARRC BC in their advocacy efforts to reform Long-Term-Care in B.C.
Seniors Week is a time to recognize and celebrate seniors in BC but we also need to recognize the continued plight of our most vulnerable seniors living in long- term care LTC) homes. The need for reform of the LTC system remains urgent as resident quality of life continues to be compromised by staffing issues, the lack of continuity of care and little meaningful activity. You can change this.
ARRC has partnered with the BC Association of Social Workers on a campaign to improve quality of life for residents in long-term care (LTC) through comprehensive system reform.
Phase 1
It takes one minute to by joining our online letter-writing campaign demanding that the BC government strike a multi-sectoral advisory forum to develop and guide implementation of an action plan for system change, informed by those who live, visit, and work in facilities. We have made multiple requests to Minister Dix and had many discussions with Parliamentary Secretaries about forming an advisory forum, without success, even though the 2023 Budget Committee recommended funding it.
Please share the link below with your family, friends and networks and let Health Minister Adrian Dix, the Assistant Deputy Minister of Health for Seniors and the Parliamentary Secretary for Seniors Services and LTC, and your MLA, know you support reform.
Thank you for your commitment to improving quality of life for residents in LTC and for your ongoing support of ARRC.
The Action for Reform of Residential Care (ARRCBC) Association is dedicated to promoting quality of life in long term care facilities in British Columbia through education and advocacy. The association is made of up clinicians, researchers, family members and other citizens concerned with the care provided in long-term care facilities.